Estate planning
Estate planning is more than just having a will
It’s looking at your overall circumstances – financial and personal – and working out how best to plan your affairs so that your assets can be distributed as you wish.
It’s thinking about how to make sure that those you leave behind don’t pay more tax than they need to, and that they receive their inheritance in a way that gives them maximum flexibility to deal with changing tax and other laws.
It’s working out how to protect the interests of family members with special needs, and how to keep assets protected against threats from creditors, family law claims, and litigation from those who seek a bigger share of your estate.
It’s about achieving peace of mind, knowing that you’ve done everything possible to put things in order for the next generation.
The members of the Pacer Legal estate planning practice work in the following areas: wills, probate and estate administration, superannuation and estate litigation.
Estate litigation
The Family Provision Act in Western Australia provides that a certain category of people may bring a claim before the Supreme Court if they are not happy with what they receive pursuant to the terms of a will.
We can discuss with you any aspects of your family circumstances which may ultimately result in claims being made against your estate, and help you to organise your affairs to minimise the prospects of such litigation being brought, alternatively minimise the prospects of litigation being successful.
Probate and estate administration
Our team can advise an Executor on the legal requirements of managing an estate, including obtaining of a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration from the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the administration of estates.
Administration of estates can be particularly onerous but with the right direction from Pacer Legal, we can guide and assist you to ensure the estate is administered as quickly and efficiently as possible.
In particular, our Director and practitioners have experience in advising estates that involve farming operations and ongoing business to ensure that wealth is protected and transferred successfully to the next generation.