Family law
We specialise in family law matters
Pacer Legal has staff that specialise in Family Law matters, including representing clients in the Family Court, attending to property settlements, advising and completing binding financial agreements.
At Pacer Legal, our family lawyers have significant experience in a range of family law matters. We can provide advice and ongoing assistance in the following areas.
Property Settlements (consent and court representation)
Third Parties in Family Law
Spousal Maintenance
Child Support Agreements
Adult Child Maintenance
Financial Agreements (before, during or after marriage or de facto relationship)
Parenting (arrangements for children, relocation of children, consent orders, court representation)
State and Interstate Surrogacy
Enforcement of Orders
By spending time at the beginning of the engagement speaking with you and taking your detailed history in relation to the matters above, we are able to provide in-depth advice about the likely range of outcomes should the matter fail to settle and Family Court proceedings ultimately be required.
This assists the parties in adopting a realistic and informed approach to resolving their matter and in reaching negotiated settlement early on, which is always beneficial. Due to our involvement in agribusiness, we are in a unique position of understanding when it comes to generational farming and how separation has the potential to jeopardise or impact this.
In matters involving farming, our family law and agribusiness teams work together to ensure the service provided is well rounded and takes into account all aspects surrounding the matter. Our family lawyers are solution focussed and we strive to achieve an outcome that does not involve the Family Court wherever possible.