Wills & EPOA’s
At Pacer Legal, we understand the need for having a Will to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.
As part of the estate planning process, we work with you, your accountants and financial advisers, to identify:
Who should act as your executors
What are the assets which will pass under your Will
What other assets or financial resources do you have - for example do you have family trusts or companies, money in superannuation, insurance policies, or business interests through partnerships, joint ventures or other structures, are there assets overseas
How do you want your assets distributed on your death
Are there family members who need special consideration, and should have their inheritance dealt with in a special way to protect their interests
How can the tax position of your estate and beneficiaries best be managed
How can succession be addressed, for family companies and businesses
Might testamentary trusts provide valuable advantages for your beneficiaries
Once we have a clear picture of your circumstances, we prepare a Will and other documents designed to achieve your objectives.
We also discuss “living” estate planning issues, and identify whether you need to put in place a power of attorney and/or power of guardianship to enable someone you trust to take care of your financial affairs, to make decisions about your medical treatment, and even to make lifestyle decisions for you, should you be unable for any reason to deal with these matters for yourself.
Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Guardianship and Advance Health Directives.
Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Guardianship and Advance Health Directives go hand-in-hand with your Will and should be considered when seeking advice on estate planning matters. These documents deal with your financial and property matters as well as your lifestyle and medical treatment.
Our team can provide you with the appropriate insight in appointing the most suitable person to act in your best interests and ensure that you are cared for both financially and personally in your lifetime, particularly if you lose your ability to make important decisions.
We can help you in understanding the processes involved when someone you have appointed is acting under Power of Attorney or Guardianship on your behalf and making decisions about your future.